Subrosa Poems's Blog
Sub Rosa Poems

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Located in Kemang, Citos and Plaza Indonesia, Aksara and Prodak is housed in a modernist 1200 sq meter steel and glass building designed by Andra Matin, one of Indonesia's most promising young architects. The building is complemented by an equally sleek interior, combining interesting materials and clean, minimalist design. The design alone makes Aksara a bookstore and Prodak Home Living like none other.

HELLO? Neah, this is not a site about architecture. Just want to give you the newest info. Now you can find Sub Rosa Poems at Aksara (Kemang, Citos and Plaza Indonesia). Yeah, long live Aksara....whose PIC used to say, "we don't accept and sell poems book, because the demand was so low". Says whoooooo???? Hell yeah, now I'm breakin' their stupid rule... =)


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